Adriene Nicastro
Co-author and illustrator of Little Gifts: The Adventures Of A Pigeon-Angel
Award-winning author, Adriene Nicastro, M.S. is an intuitive, psycho-spiritual therapist, ordained minister, teacher, and healer. She began pursuing her passion of working with groups and individuals professionally in 1993, graduating with a Master of Science degree in Group Process and Group Psychotherapy from Hahnemann University. Her love of children, nature, creativity, and spirituality infuses all her endeavors to bring opportunities for personal transformation to others. Using intuitive information that's blended with psychotherapeutic techniques and spiritual lessons of Master Teachers from her studies with Sacred Garden Fellowship, she guides individuals through deep levels of holistic healing, integrating spiritual development and personal growth. Adriene holds sessions, workshops, and groups locally and internationally. For more information, see www.pathways2innerpeace.com.